Founded in June 2002, the Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Research Society was the first of the four research societies under The Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society.

KOMISS was founded to advance minimal invasive spine surgery and to this goal has annually hosted spring and fall conferences. Both meetings consist of a day of symposiums and another day of cadaver workshops. However, the Spring event discusses minimal invasive spinal surgery in general while the Fall workshop focuses on advanced endoscopic spinal discectomy. 2012 is the 11th year for the Spring meeting and the 4th year for the Fall meeting.

During the past decade, endoscopic spinal surgery has progressed due to improvements in surgical devices and techniques- Indication of endoscopic spinal surgery has broadened and its results remarkably improved. Nowadays, patients are much more receptive to minimal invasive spine surgery as the public has become well aware of its merits. And such growing demands of the patients have been met by the spinal surgeons’ hard efforts fueling the recent progress of surgical methods.

This year, we are hosting the Fall conference as an international event for the first time. We hope to share our decade of progress with surgeons from around the world and expand the scope of our discussions beyond Korea.